Monday, June 15, 2020


I've been away from here a while ... I know that. But as it turns out lockdowns are extremely weird things, with some aspects of your normal life getting mysteriously overlooked. And this blog has proved to be one of them.

But now I'm back, and with fresh news.

I have numerous collections out on Kindle, but not one of them until this date has been eligible for Kindle Unlimited. And the reason for that omission is a very simple one. Books can only be available through KU if all of the material contained in them appears on Kindle and no other platform (which is precisely why you can't read Stephen King or James Patterson as part of your membership). And every last collection that I've put out till this point has stories in it that are equally available from the same publishers who put out them in eBook form in the first place, Dark Regions in the US, The Alchemy Press in the UK, and so on.

So I've finally decided I should put that right. UNLIMITED FUTURES is a a huge collection of my science fiction work. And if you're into horror, supernatural stuff and dark fantasy tales, then CHILLS UNLIMITED gives you 15 short stories and 2 complete short novels, and every single word of both these massive books can be read via your subscription to KU.

Oh, as a brief final note, other eBook fiction of mine can also be read through Kindle Unlimited, the 6 full-length novels (so far) in my Raine's Landing supernatural thriller series for instance.

                                         TAKE A LOOK AT UNLIMITED FUTURES HERE

                                          TAKE A LOOK AT CHILLS UNLIMITED HERE