Friday, April 30, 2021



It's taken a good long while (and the pandemic helped slow it down even further) but the seventh novel in my series set in the fictional town of Raine's Landing, Massachusetts, is now available in paperback and Kindle.

Why did the pandemic slow it down? Like most writers, I need a calm environment when I am working on a full-length book. What's required is an unbroken string of weeks when I can settle down peacefully and concentrate on the writing and getting all the details of the story right. That applies to every single draft, and CIRCUS OF LOST SOULS went through 14.

And in the first few months of this outbreak, I hardly felt calm or settled, so I set this book aside and concentrated on short stories instead, most of those appearing in my new collection NIGHTCRAWLER.

If you're not familiar with Raine's Landing, Mass, it is a most peculiar town indeed, filled with magic of the good kind and the bad and trapped under an unbreakable witch's curse. And it gets some dangerous visitors from time to time. TWO of them in this particular novel.

I won't say any more about the book than that. Not yet, at least. CIRCUS OF LOST SOULS is now available in paperback, on Kindle, and through Kindle Unlimited.

                              TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT CIRCUS OF LOST SOULS

Sunday, April 18, 2021



A collection of mine on Kindle usually contains a mix of horror fiction, dark fantasy tales, and with a couple of ghost stories thrown in for good measure. But not this time.

15 CHLLING HORROR STORIES does exactly what it says on the tin. The horror, the whole horror, and nothing but the horror.

And it includes fiction that I've never collected in eBook form before, tales like 'The Universal' from my most recent Dark Regions Press collection, 'The Garbage Men' from The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors, and the original, unedited version of 'Across The Tracks,' which first appeared in an anthology a few years back.

                                                15 CHLLING HORROR STORIES

Saturday, April 3, 2021



Originally published by Samhain in the States, HOT BLOOD is now on Amazon Kindle. Here's what it's about:

Two immortal creatures have arrived in New York City. One of them is Tanya Merrit, the last of the Ykrall, a magical race that lives among and depends on human beings ... they take a little of their blood, so to enhance their powers.

But the other is Janos Wolkran, an ancient and extremely deadly vampire. He has brought with him a brood of servants, people who he has converted into lesser beings, each of them existing solely for his bidding.

Except that one of them is dying right now. And looking for a new replacement, Wolkran's gaze alights on Tanya's human lover, Kathy Harrison. And when he steals her away and takes her with him, Tanya finds herself launched on a desperate pursuit that will lead her most of the way round the world ... and then even further.

But as Kathy is infected and begins to transform, the most appalling of all questions starts to raise its head ... can anything be done to change her back?

And HOT BLOOD is a truly epic story, starting on the East Coast but then moving on to a small Central American republic in the middle of a civil war (based partly on my own experiences in that part of the world back in the 1980s) before heading off to Eastern Europe ... Prague, Budapest and then the Carpathian Mountains.

And this weekend I'm offering it Free as an introduction to my other work.

                                  GET YOUR FREE COPY OF HOT BLOOD HERE