Anyone familiar with my work will know that short stories are a pretty major part of my output. My tales have appeared in almost anywhere from Weird Tales and Cemetery Dance to Asimov's SF, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine and even ... wait for it ... Woman Magazine. And that's just periodicals. They've also cropped up in lots of online mags and some prestigious anthologies.
Top independent publisher Dark Regions Press put together 4 collections of this shorter fiction, Shadows and Other Tales, Our Lady of the Shadows, The Universal and Other Terrors, and the extended US version of my award-shortlisted British collection Going Back.
But now there is a brand-new book of my stories available. And when I say "brand-new," I really mean it.
In the first place, NIGHTCRAWLER & OTHER TALES OF DARKNESS contains stories of mine you might have missed because they appeared not in horror/supernatural outlets but in publications such as Hitchcock's or the Postscripts series from PS Publishing.
But in the second place, it also has 7 new stories that were written specially for this collection and have never been seen before in any sort of print. One of them (see below) is WHAT DONNIE WANTS, offered for Free just a short while back. The others are THE PEOPLE IN THE GLASS (my newest twist on traditional ghost fiction), SADIE, THE MASK, THE EMPTY ROOM, my latest Birchiam tale MEDUSA, and the title story itself ... NIGHTCRAWLER.
It's been a good few years in the writing, but NIGHTCRAWLER & OTHER TALES OF DARKNESS is now available on Kindle, through Kindle Unlimited, or as a handsome paperback.