Wednesday, December 16, 2020


I've already talked on this blog about my 2 collections specially compiled for KU readers. For science fiction fans there are the 15 stories - some of them good long ones - in UNLIMITED FUTURES.

And for aficionados of the darker arts there are the horror, supernatural and dark fantasy tales contained in CHILLS UNLIMITED ...  not only 15 stories in this book but 2 complete short novels too. But they are not the only works of mine included in the KU scheme.

There's my newest collection of dark and horror fiction, NIGHTCRAWLER & OTHER TALES OF DARKNESS.

There are all 6 - so far - full-length novels in my RAINE'S LANDING FANTASY SERIES, adventures set in an isolated Massachusetts town that's filled with magic, both the good kind and the very bad, and trapped under a witch's curse. In fact, the first five novels in the series can be read on KU in a single eBook, THE RAINE'S LANDING NOVELS 1-5.

Sticking with the supernatural theme, there are short novels of mine that are available too under this scheme. THE NIGHT MANAGER for instance, set in an old Victorian hotel that has some very scary - and inhuman - guests.

And then there is one of my personal favorites, UNDER THE ICE. Set in Helsinki, Finland, in the dead of winter, it's a re-visitation of the revenant theme. The website Horror Novel Reviews named it as one of their Best Ten Novels of the year.

For those of you who like their fiction imaginative but not so dark, there's THE ELECTRIC SHAMAN, set in a futuristic very modern Africa and featuring the Zimbabwe-based detective Lieutenant Abel Enetame.

And for those who prefer their detective fiction straight up there's THE DESERT KEEPS ITS DEAD, a hard-boiled thriller set in Arizona in the present day.

Back to the supernatural theme, but definitely with a far lighter touch this time. The 4 stories in TOUCHED BY MAGIC: HUMAN DRAMAS IN THE PARANORMAL WORLD have fantasy at their heart, but of a more humane, even romantic kind.

And if you're simply looking for a quicker read, many of my individual short stories are also available on KU ... superhero fiction like RAYVEN BLACK IN THE CITY OF NIGHT, ghost stories like THE WOMAN IN BROWN and many more.